Please see Revised By Laws Petition

By-Law 4: Prohibits annual meetings of the members from being held on religious holidays (as well as legal holidays) and establishes three permanent committees - an Elections Committee, a Financial Advisory Committee and an Ombudsman Committee - whose chairpersons woulid be elected by the members (instead of appointed by the board).

By-Law 8: Brings us into the 21st century by allowing members to add their email addresses and telephone numbers to our official membership list

By-Law 7: Requires the calling of special meetings of the members for membership discussion, and vote when the board proposes (a) assessment increases of 3% or more, (b) expenditure on a project costing $250,000 or more, and (c) the borrowing of $250,000 or more and proposes the borrowing method.  It also requires the special meetings called by members' petitions are chaired by one of the petitioners, and that speaking time at such meetings is equitably allotted, with no filibustering.

By-Law 11: Makes clear that members' votes are annual and special meetings of the members are binding and shall be counted and tallied by independent organizations.  It clarifies that vote tallies are to be reported immediately, and are official corporation records, available to any member at any time.

By-Law 13A: Makes clear that minutes are to be taken at all membership, board and committee meetings, and are to be made available to any member at any time.

By-Law 13B: Makes clear the obvious: members can meet at any time, and communicate with one another in unreserved public areas without notifying the board or management.

By-Law 14: The added text corrects inadequacies in this By-Law adopted in March 2003 - by making it consistent with By-Law 4, and by addressing the important issue of post-election transition.

By-Law 20A: Outlines the duties of the three new permanent committees, clarifies that all committees must be chartered, mandates committee election of committee chairpersons (instead of board appointment), and requires adequate, early advance notice of all committee meetings.

By-Law 21: Discourages conflict of interest by prohibiting monetary payment to board members for their efforts in any Harbour Square capacity.

By-Law 23: so that we have a record of performance in office, it requires recording the minutes of all regular and special board meetings, all board members' votes -- for, against, and abstaining -- by name of board member. It also requires that all board meeting minutes be made readily available to all members.

By-Law 25A: Requires early and adequate notice of all board meetings. Sets rules for adequate (but reasonably limited) questioning, suggesion-offering and commentary from non-board members -- for the official record -- before board votes occur.

By-Law 29: Prohibits appointed officers from voting at board meetings.

By-Law 33: Requires the president to enforce a policy of competitive bidding on all contracts of $10,000 or more - and inviting D.C. contractors to bid.

By-Law 35: Requires the secretary to keep archived documents and other books and records in order and requires that all members have ample opportunity to review them.

By-Law 63: Clarifies that By-Laws can be amended via the ballot used to elect board members and chairpersons of permanent committees.

These proposed by-law changes have long been needed for true American democratic process at Harbour Square.  It's high time to bring Harbour Square up to date, and for us to live by the principles America is said to stand for world-wide.



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